Friday, August 24, 2007

Wholesome Realisation

OK so around the time after i got back from America there was this new guy working at hell.
at first we sort of just let each other be and didn't know each other very well, after time we talked and acquainted ourselves. about.. 4 months ago i started to see some bad trait's in this guy such as;
-standing and doing nothing while trying to order other's around when he is perfectly capable of doing the task himself.
-generally working at a slow pace and allowing us to fall behind
-trying to steal my cut bench! (now that's almost blasphemy! as i have been working there three times longer than him)
i did eventually lay a complaint to my boss who had a word with him and ever since he has been tolerable.

now please note that this guy was displaying almost no trait's of a christian, now to my absolute shock i was looking through his CD wallet last night and found that almost half of the music was christian. now i think this raises the point of god working in mysterious way's and that it is best to not judge people by their actions. now i know a lot of people do say judge people purely on their actions however i came to the conclusion last night (after work while thinking in bed) that being christian for some people is like having one kidney, you would never know unless they told you, on the topic of not judging people by their actions i think it's fair to say that we don't live one day without thinking twice about what are doing or saying therefore it's understandable that their are many things that are not said or done hitherto i don't think it's fair to judge people by their bad action's but to look at the few thing's that they ARE doing right and extend off from there to see the reasoning or motives for that good action and think about how it conflict's with their bad action's.

now i must also mention that i did borrow a few of his Cd's to put on my computer and one of them was a CD by "the lads" (Joe and dad you will know who they are) now the last time i heard their music was at parachute 02 (possibly 03, was a long time ago) and i loved it. now i started to listen to the music again last night before i headed to bed and one particular song made my whole body tingle with a sense of excitement and warmth (i actually started dancing). now i must also make you aware that my oh so generous brother Sam gave me a few books to read and send back to him, i just finished "surprised by joy" by C.S Lewis that evening on the bus to work. at the end of the book it confronts us with an interesting analogy to the feeling of joy.

it's like walking down a path in the forest, the first directional sign you see, a member of the group will run up to and point and be just oh so excited with it. After these signs occur more frequently you tend to not realise them as much, but they still guide you on your way.

for me that is what this music was, it reminded me of a time when i was just an innocent child and had no reason or doubt in my mind about god, hearing the lad's at parachute was brilliant and i even got them to sign my hat (sadly i lost it a while ago). i suppose if you cant relate to this an accurate comparison would be if you had a teddy bear while growing, now ask your self what satisfaction and sense of excitement did you get with that bear? and also ask yourself at what age did it seem childish and unfulfilling, yet you still look back on it and think "yeah i wish life was still that simple" (LOL)

as mentioned in my previous post's i am now living a complete different style of life compared to how i was a mere 4-7 month's ago. my main goal is to treat every day as almost a new life, wake up fresh and excited (sometimes easier said than done) and just completely forget about yesterday's experiences (unless of course it was a brilliant day) my analogy for this idea is;
when we look at the night sky are we drawn to see the star's of the darkness, so it shall be for life's experiences; look to the bright and fulfilling experiences rather than the bleak and dark ones. (a lot of analogies today huh?)

the last thing i think is worth a mention is the factor of pretty much all of the above, when i made the analogy of the forest path well i can definitely relate that to god's love for us, there may be points in your life when you have no doubt that god is there, this would be the time when many signs are appearing on the path (the path representing god's love) however as there was for me there may also be point's when believing in god could seem the most absurd and ridiculous idea out there, this would be a lack of signs, but you are indeed still on that path, you may have taken a wrong turn but the path is there. for any non-believer's out there the equivalent would be point's in which you thought the possibility of god possible (many sign's) and times (possibly now) when you think "nah it's completely absurd and impossible" (no sign's) but as i said the path IS there whether you want to accept it or not. "surprised by joy" also introduced to me probably the most important analogy i have yet come across which is;

think of it like this, if hamlet wanted to meet Shakespeare he would not be able to as Shakespeare is non-existent in his play world, so the creation is unable to see the creator, however if the creator intends for it the creation shall experience in a non-physical and spiritual way.

i think for now i shall leave it at that as i have a 800 word essay to write :/



Sam said...

We certainly shouldn't judge people outwardly when we don't know them.

But, if we do know them, and they profess faith, but do not live a life which reflects that faith (see 1 John) then they may not have a saving faith (James 2). Always bear Matthew 7 in mind: you will know them by the fruit they bear.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that in the bible Christians are firmly and repeatedly called to live such righteous lives that they stand out among the people.

On the language issue, check these settings for your blog:
> Settings > Basic > Show transliteration button for your posts?
> Settings > Formatting > Language

Anonymous said...

so tell me im interested. Where do you think the guy is on his journey?
Is he at the still interested stage, has he made a consciuos commitment, is he going to a church regulary, is he getting good teaching do you think
lots of ?'s. the point of course is maybe his upbringing has put him behind the 8 ball when it comes to good work habits
Maybe his Dad was nt so firm with him? gg

and i loved ya anologies!
and yeah Sam's right ocourse, its the heart that God see's.
Maybe you can befreind him, encourage him that the main thing is to make sure the main thing becomes and remains the main thing.
Jesus and his intimate relationship with him.
Id be interested in what Joey thinks.....