Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I Wonder

God is wonderful isn't he.

it seems more and more that his wonders have been revealed to me, everything you see in front of you now is thanks to god, the photons and electrons givings at the speed of light into you eyes which transmits the image to your brain to see, the very seat you sit on and even the simple keyboard keys you tap on probably everyday.

the more i think about it the more i stand in complete amazement and awe of his works, his power, his glory and his wonder.

so i wonder, why does it all seem to pass us by every single day, whether you believe that everything is in and because of god or not, life is a beautiful thing. we are surrounded by beauty and complexity, by masses of mountains yet droplets of beauty fall on them every week. how is it that we miss the wonders around us, it takes a simple observation and calm of mind to begin to realise just how empowering the things around us are. we live in a world that is full of suicide, full of depression full of a lack of motivation, yet there is inspiration all around us. beneath our feet, in our hearts, everywhere we go there is complexity and complete motivation.

it seems im just ranting now, i always tend to do that.

i just stand in complete awe of the beauty of our world, of my life, of your life and of every living thing around us, how can we miss this beauty. why do we not take the time to indulge in it and begin to comprehend the inspiration that surrounds us.

may we all be more observant and aware of the simple ecstatic joy that awaits us at every moment of every day.

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