Tuesday, June 24, 2008


“We are dependant on God, God is independent of us”

As this thought occurred to me I realised just how much it was God himself that put it into my mind. It makes perfect sense, however let me elaborate and go into depth for this.

The Basis of God is that he created all and governs all, he is outside all laws we could conjure up because, and fact is. He created those laws. He is all powerful, all knowing, and present everywhere you go. Why did God create us if he knew we would betray him? Because it pleased him, he would get satisfaction out of us finding him through our own choice, the choice which is free will. However we seem to forget that God is unaffected by our decisions, by what we say and what we do, in fact although it pleases him it could not bother him one bit what we get up, he created us, left us with his word and his son, what more does he need to do? God is fully independent of us, which goes to say that whatever we say will not effect his existence, what we say and do will also have no effect on him as C.S Lewis once said ‘a man can so much defy God’s existence as a man can scribble ‘light’ on the walls is a hope to escape the darkness.’ It goes to show that whatever we say or do, no matter how smart we think we are the fact is God is real (cff ‘the case for Christ’.) a further analogy of this is Shakespeare, a once living man, created plays did he not? Othello and Romeo (as we see them in the play) do not talk of Shakespeare, in this role Shakespeare is the creator and they are the characters, as much as they want to they would never be able to find proof of Shakespeare because Shakespeare could make and laws he wants to govern them in his play and he would still be unaffected by them. However the characters are dependant on Shakespeare’s laws to survive, in fact without Shakespeare they would not exist. Did Shakespeare gain anything out of creating this play? Not anything personally as far as we know however it satisfied him to do so. So here the characters are fully dependant on Shakespeare for existence and a fulfilling life, yet Shakespeare in completely independent of them in the sense that what they say and do in the play will not change him at all.

Do you see the dilemma? We can continue to try and disprove God yet all we have in dependant of God, ironic isn’t it? That some of us use God’s given gifts to try and disprove God, it makes me smile at times because we are a generation that has lost our meaning, our purpose and our one true love. Sure you can try and debate what I say, or what Lee Strobel says, just as I could debate what Charles Darwin said or what Richard Dawkins chooses to say, fact is neither of us will be right, and anything we say or type will not even come close to what God knows, in fact it’s a lost cause on either side to prove or disprove God. At the end of the day all we have is the Bible and it is the only thing we can research to truly find what God thinks and who he is as our creator. It’s become such a common thing these days to just state ‘there is no God’ or on the flipside ‘God exists’
Yet what do we have to back up what we say? Nothing of our own knowledge, every piece of information we have today is thanks to the generations before us who, if you trace it back far enough, derive from thoughts and ideas around Jesus’ day. I do not think however that you can deny the importance of these things, our dating system is thanks to Bible, our naming of male and female is thanks to the Bible, the very governorship we have is thanks to the Bible, if you take things literally, everything and everyone we see today is thanks to the Bible (or God) so why are we so ignorant, why do we feel such hate to try and disprove our very own heavenly father. I used to be like this, blaming all my bad misfortune on God, hating him for the suffering in the world, the poverty, the war and the blatant evil and violence. It was not until I took a chance, accepted God’s free gift of salvation and stepped into the realm of the unknown, where Jesus is. That my life became blessed, it’s almost a year now since I did this and I can assure you that everything has gotten better, I have been so blessed that it makes me guilty, it makes me hate myself for how much time I wasted despising God, yet still he accepted me with open arms. The name God is very fitting and I cannot begin to describe to you how great he is, every song we sing, every prayer we pray and every little thing we do in his name will never fulfil what we owe Jesus for his suffering, the suffering we caused. Yet we are so lost.

‘Some want to set up stall under the safety of the bell
I would prefer to set up near the gates of hell’

I pray peace over everyone who reads this, I pray for a curiosity for you to contact your local church and i pray he pours his love into you.

May He guide you



Sam said...

Nice post. The Shakespeare analogy is great one -- that's from CS Lewis right?

Tim Keller did a great talk at Google recently based on his new book which touches on a lot of the stuff you've just talked about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kxup3OS5ZhQ

_Crispus_ said...

yeah the analogy is from C.S lewis, i extended on it a lot here however.

cool will have a look