Friday, May 25, 2007

Evolutionary Crisis

as i was sitting on the beach today before work enjoying the cool breeze and the very early sunset (grr i want daylight savings back!) cool sand underneath me, i gazed out to the ocean and began to get on those thoughts again, but this time it was more about the thought of how the world has existed for billions of years without change or disaster, that is until the introduction on the human mind, now i dont want to sound all negative and rant on about global warming and shit but i feel its a issue that does need to be addressed (as if it hasnt been addressed enough!).

i began to think about the ocean, the sheer vastness and solitude that it can bring, the intensity of how huge it is and all the life that goes on inside it, began thinking about whats behind the blue shimmering water, what its history is, whats its endured and how it effects us in todays society, began to think in the aspect of whats beneath the surface or between the lines so to speak. these thought rolled on for quite some time and then it hit me, as hard as the sunlight in the morning (im not a big morning person :P.)
the changes, the history, the events, the evolution that has occurred in the world that we live in, all lead up to this moment, they lead up to you sitting here in front of your computer screen, indulging yourself the endless realm of internet cyber space. being my blog.
20 years ago no one would have knew what the interenet is, sure they were on that road but you know what my point is,
50 years ago we as a society where recovering from the great economical struggle that WW2 put to us, ( the point in which USA managed a strong hold on the world)
70 years ago we were in a great depression
100 years ago we were in our first world war

my point is this.
in the last 500 years we as humans have changed the world so much, not for the advantages of the planet either, we spread like a virus using up all resources that are in that ares then continue to grow and spread around the world,most mammals in our world go around and live in an equilibrium with the enviroment, they take from it but give back just as much, the create an agreement so to speak with their surroundings and work with what they have being careful not to take too much in order for their resources to replenish. in the last 40-50 years we have polluted our planet so much to the point that it is now irreversible.
if we stopped all fossil fuel burning tommorow, the temperature of our atmosphere would continue to increase for another 50 years at least, the issue of global flooding is very real, the majority of our worlds large cities are located on coastal areas.
we as humans have a tendency to think for ourselves, no matter how much we believe we would take a bullet for a friend or go care for others before we care for ourselves, its simply not true. "every man for himself" that very term cannot fit more perfectly the way of human beings. think about it, when we go to buy a present for someone. the first thing we think about is what present can i get them that will make them appreciate me more. sure we think a lot about the meaning (i know i certainly do) but in the long run the effect we desire out of presents is recognition, the recognition of the thought of the present, the recognition of the fact that we have money to spare, the recognition that we remembered their birthday. any action we take in our lives we automatically think about how it wil benefit us, deny this as you may but it has been proven through trends,statictics and a heavy amount of research on us, human beings

to think that the world has turned to shit in the past 500-1000 years is mindboggling, our planet has existed for 100's of millions of years, so this amount of time is such a small fraction that its uncomprehendible to our minds what has gone on in past generations, whether it be the generations of last century of the generations of the last millenium. we started off with materials, resources that we saw fit to guide us in longer life and sruvival, these have turned to manipulative weapons of warfare, we are a generation fed on money, without we wouldnt survive, money is the new system that replaced the old bartering system because of people that didnt hold their end of the bargain. we invest millions of dollars nationally on our roads, a road is result of what we know as concrete or tar, a mixture of man made and natural resources that harden when dry. we drive on these roads with machines unheard of before the 1900's animals fear these machines they dont know what these beasts are invading on their territory. to me animals repersent the best source or path to our past life, the life of the hunter and gatherer, no one was fat back then, there were pratically no diseases and everyone lived for quite a long time. the look in animals eyes. not even that the very aura that animals give off as they watch cars driving along is disturbing to me, these machines have become our lives, the average wage of an american ceo jumped from 510,000 before 1995 to a whopping 36 million in 2005. the
greed for oil has driven us mad, it has brainwashed everything we know, has manipulated our very values in life, the need for oil because of our cars is disturbing. lets have a fun guessing game here.
(these figures are bound to be below the accurate ones.)
say on a daily basis one service station fills up 30 cars. each car holding 40 litres of petrol.
thats 1200 litres per day for this one service station. now say new zealand has around 150 service stations nationally.
150 times 1200 is 180000. thats 180 thousand litres of petrol a day, just in new zealand. so new zealand is very small country, lets say on average every country has 1000 service outlets and are all filling the same average daily.
with over 194 countries in the world (so lets round that to 200 for all those minority countries :)
thats going to be
200 times 1000 times 1200 litres of petrol
thats going to be 24,000,000 litres of petrol. every day!
times that by 365 days in a year and youve got
hmm so more than 8 billion seven hundred and sixty million litres of petrol a year cannot be a good thing, and that spells out addiction to me, were addicted to our fuel, it has become part of life. so i think it fair to say that it has become so normal for us to abuse our surrounding, taking everything and not giving back (substantially that is) its the sad reality that is upon us.
we are killing our planet, it quite simple really the sad fact for people my age is that by the time our parents are all retired, we will be responsible for trying to fix all this shit, and quite frankly that really gets at me at times.

now as my train of thoughts is rolling on in this rant of mine i have come back to the part about human suffering (it seems to be an easy subject to talk about)
why at funerals do we list off all the good qualities of the deceased? will that ease our pain in knowing that he/she did good while they could. if you were to ask me its comprimisation. i think that in a way we are only covering over our grief and sympathising ourselves because of the fact that they are gone and now and theres no turning back. im not at all saying that we shouldnt do this, because people influience our lives in so many ways, we wouldnt be able to comprehend the infinite ways people, your everyday people in the street, the ones you work with effect your life. however it seems to to itch at my thoughts the factor of human emotion.

i think that may be all for now.

just found a more accurate link in terms of petrol consumption


Anonymous said...

the 1st half had me spellbound!
i expired b4 i could finsih the 2nd half!
i buy presents purely so the person will feel loved, will feel cared for will know that at least one family memeber will be there for them, i put into the relationship in the belief that should they need love and tlc at some point in their life, i will be able to step upto the mark for them and they will accept the strength of the bond.
most of the later half of that stuff is subconciouness so to speak albeit that its there.
so i deny the selfish mode for me and many many others, quote me the research, [its prob thesis size so i dont expect u will be upto that std yet lol,]

BUT HTEN THE DINOSARUSES disappearance was a humungous change in the earths life forms
but us, we need to disappear to cleanse the eartyh which for me makes all the more sense that some time soon Jesus will be saying "come in planet earth your time is up, third rock from the sun, come here!" and then there will be a new earth and a new haeven and no more pain and no more tears, and the lion will lie down with the baby and the snake with the calf and there shall be peace .....
[pst the later is all scriptures bt hten u knew that eh :):) ] frpaddy

Sam said...

I've had similar thoughts for many years. Human civilization is a disgusting thing.

Look through the lens of the Christian world view however, and things begin to make much more sense.