Saturday, May 12, 2007

Not Achieved For NCEA

to start with many of you may have noticed that my blog title is Lucifer, this can commonly be mistaken in biblical terms as the angel that fell from heaven, the meaning of the word Lucifer is "light bringer" or "to bring light" etc. as a symbolic term to me possibly bringing light into your thoughts and opening new realms of possibility to you all.

As of the beginning of this year shortly after my trip to America in which i read a few theology books as well as a book my brother Sam gave me called "Zen and the art of motorcycle Maintenance." i began to write down those thoughts that everyone gets when they simply zone out and stare at one spot of something seemingly random, those thoughts that question our very existence on this earth and the way we go about living our lives. i would write in class and still get the work done funnily enough. so here's a thanks to Sam who has opened up this new way of thinking that i get myself into.
cheers ears ;)

one more note: this blog may seem like a lecture or me trying to tell you how to live your life or something but it is simply my thoughts i do not intend to say your way of living is incorrect, in fact most of these ideas i put out are ones i like to discuss so please

so to start with converting my thoughts from paper to screen.
i was thinking in class (ironically enough) about our teaching systems and how science is taught.
these days tests are based on what lies in front of us, what we see to be tangible and therefore we as students are always going to be limited in the answer we give (in terms of getting it "right") in doing this the teachers/test moderator's subconsciously or maybe even purposely eliminate that x factor that we should be encouraged to bring out in school, that certain part of us that is imaginative and creative and always questions the question and all the realms of possibility that surround it (otherwise known as variables)

science to begin with focuses more on the material aspects that the human mind has knowledge about eg; air,gravity,forces,electronics.. so my question is how can we accurately answer or ask a question in "scientific" terms? for example; before newton was around who's to say gravity didn't exist before hand? we all know the logical answer is that gravity has always been around ever since the formation of our earth. so my next question is...
how many unknown "variables" potentially are out there waiting to be discovered? because of that variable that we are limited in knowing how many new variables are out there we can never really "accurately" answer a question.

to add to this there is a popular thesis amongst scientists that says there is an infinite number of theories with which to test an answer with, because of this one statement alone you could have not read my above paragraph at all and know that no answer in science is ever going to be correct. to end this part in my rantings i will just say that we have to deal with it, the world has already been trained to think scientifically and believe our scientists over any religion out there and personally its alarming to me that people would believe something a scientist says without even doing some background research.

i must add this point into the "educational studies".
why do teachers among our modern teaching systems prefer to teach classes that are "well behaved?" or constantly telling them to work in silence?
OK so sure its proven that most people can focus better with less noise but it intrigues me that they prefer a quiet class, is it something to do with the whole teacher student relationship that the teacher is "supposedly" in control of the class? is it the fact that the teacher has a set of guidelines to stick to and that when a student stumps a teacher (eg; asks a question on topic that he/she cant answer) they teacher feels vulnerable? personally i have seen many cases where teachers have given out detentions because the student has asked an intuitive question. personally i think this whole dilemma of teachers wanting control over their class come from hundreds of years of a society feed on the hunger fro power, be it physical, mental or just overall dominance of another person,race,object,class etc etc. but where does this hunger come from?why does man feel the need to have dominance or authority over one another? will this make us feel worthy, feel respect, or will it simply scratch our itch and give us a desire for even more power?
all through out our lives we will be striving to impress others, whether we can acknowledge this or not is out of the question, either way subconsciously every action we make is one to get us closer to having more money,respect or reputation. in the long term this leads me to think that we as a species have a hunger for that power play. eg; the massive power and authority of a government over a nation or the simple authority and respect that a father requires from his son. we are taught not to talk back to our elders or our teachers, what does this implie? personally i see it as an effort to eliminate the art of argument or discussion, of course there is a fine line between arguing and discussing. arguing is a means of which we stand for our opinion only we put this out to the other person and simply expect them to accept it and say that its right (which is why arguing causes so many problems between friends and family.)
discussing something is to take one another's opinions and see how it applies to the topic of conversation.
tell me out of all the things you have learnt over life how much of it has been from discussions and/or intellectual conversations?
by eliminating the talking back attribute of a child (which if i may add simply comes back at a later age) you are eliminating their imaginativ thoughts and leaving them thinking along the lines of right and wrong, many of us don't realise that beside yes and no there is one more answer.
mu. it is an ancient saying that means for one to Un ask the question. it implies that the question cannot be answered and/or that it is up for discussion.

teachers in a class often come to the conclusion that if you are looking at them then you are paying attention and they try to enforce this a lot, they think that is the student is looking elsewhere they are not listening. tell me does a blind man not hear what you are saying? does a deaf man not see your actions?

now i must come to the point that our schooling systems are biased.
all of us like to think that we don't support bias opinions but in saying that we are being biased by having a support against being biased. we are all biased to some degree and this is thanks to the ideas that are drilled into us as a child, as a teenager, as an adult, by our family, by our friends, by our culture, by our religion and by the simple way others dress in the street there really are infinite ways in which we are being brought up and raised to believe in one thing rather than another, the source of our opinions is practically from everything you encounter and because as individuals we all encounter different things throughout our lives we sometimes disagree with the support of one idea. eg; western civilisation sees cults and sacrificial rituals as wrong and inhumane however in many countries they have been doing it for thousands of years its simply part of life for them, the equivalent of wearing shoes for us.

well that is all on the topic of education it would be confusing if i started writing about human nature and human aspects at this time so ill leave it for a while.
please feel free to comment and discuss this because these are simply my thoughts and discussions over thoughts is the best way to learn!


Sam said...

I'm quite against modern education systems myself, for many reasons; definitely home-schooling my kids.

Sam said...

On a semi-related note, the Southern Baptist Convention in the US are pushing for a resolution to withdraw children from public schools and homeschool them, or setup private, affordable Christian schools: