Monday, October 27, 2008


Before I start (fully recovered since last blog, God has been answering a few prayers :D )

There are currently 4,283,179 people living in NZ, our most recent unemployment figure is 3.9%, one of the lowest in the world, if not the lowest. Every year we as a nation consume up to 470 million litres of alcohol, the proportion of that figure in which we consume spirits has almost double since the new millennium. Our average weekly income * was $537, up 3.5 percent from the June 2007 quarter
* Was up 5.3 percent for females (to $413) and up 2.3 percent for males (to $690) from the June 2007 quarter
*Was highest for those in the 30–34, 45–49 and 50–54 year age groups at $767.

Yet despite this there are over 420,000 crime offences reported every year (on a slow and steady decline I may add) with only 48% of these being resolved. Just recently our national annual suicide rate passed that of our own road toll, there are more people intentionally hurting themselves in NZ then there are accidentally doing it. In 2007 we had 759,906 students attending school 33% of which left school before reaching year 13. In our country over two million people call themself Christian. The main Christian denominations are Anglican (584,793 or 17 percent of people), Catholic (486,012 or 14 percent) and the Presbyterian group (417,453 or 11 percent).

Yet there were 18,380 abortions in 2007 with Women aged 20–24 years having the highest abortion rate (37 abortions per 1,000 women aged 20–24 years) in 2007. There were 317 resident civil unions in 2007 80% of which were same-sex unions. There were 11.3 divorces for every 1000 married couple in 2007, putting it at just above 1 in 10 marriages being unsuccessful. But more than all of this, there were a recorded 28,690 deaths recorded in 2007.

So that is the cross section of our society today, my biggest question is, how many of these people that call themselves Christian actually are living and acting out their faith everyday? I’m not one to point the finger and that’s certainly not what i'm here to do my biggest burden is thinking about those 28,690 deaths. These numbers all represent a proportion of events within the given time but they are more than numbers, we are more than numbers and statistics, you are more than a statistic. These numbers represent people’s lives, their actions, their beliefs and their social background. These are people with mothers and fathers, and family's. People with everyday problems, with love mishaps and people just like you and me, obviously we are all unique and not like anyone else we will find and yet we are a mere proportion of the world, compared to the 6.3 billion people everywhere else in the world we are but a spec. Isn’t it amazing that we are all different in some respect, we will find others with similarities but there is not one person like me, like you? Its particularly sad a distressing to see our suicide rate climbing and climbing.

My burden is with the number of deaths because although I can assume the majority of them were natural death's how many were murders? How many were suicides? And more than anything, how many were people calling themselves Christian? And how many weren't? I’m not trying to condemn anyone at all, only god can know how many of that number made it into his kingdom, but looking at all these other numbers I can only assume the percentage was small indeed. There must more to this life right? More than living than dying, more than the money we work so hard to dispose of, more than the cars we drive to destroy, more than the relationships we go through so fast. One question we must all ask ourselves is this, "what numbers will I fill?" at the end of the day we can't prevent being part of a statistic but like I have said these statistics show the makeup of our lives.

I remember vividly when that woman at the airport leant on the wall next to me and said "ah its the cross section of society huh?" The bible talks of our lives being like a breath of wind, moving swiftly from our birth to our death. We are but dust floating into the oblivion that is our future and we are as fragile as dust. Anyone who has lost a loved one or witnessed a horrific accident resulting in death will tell you how much it rips your insides apart, feeling as if a bombs gone off inside of you.

As Christmas approaches I can't help but think again 'this feels familiar' it seems like only a short period of time that it was Christmas last year, yet despite this we still clutter our lives with the meaningless material junk, the stuff we consume, the stuff we decorate ourselves with, the dresses we wear once or suits we wear once. For what may I ask? It will all mean nothing when you die, of course you can say "live it while you can" but its a chasing of the wind, its something that is merely chewing your time. Recently I attended a worship conference in Wellington city and in the back of my notebook I stumbled across a quote that opened my eyes once again

"There are no clocks to measure time except the beating of our singing heart"
No with no idea on earth who said this it made it feel more like God telling me to stop cluttering myself with all this nonsense and just sit back and relax, to simplify things and essentially have less of me more of God. In the famous words of "fight Club's" Tyler Durden

"Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned- Tyler."

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time. "

Stop wasting your life.



alexia anne said...

I finally watched Fight Club...frigging unbelievable.

But yeah, you have a point.. This is why I have such a major issue with capitalism. It reduces each individual into a stat, based purely on profit. Kind of ironic, since 'capitalism' fought such a traumatic war against that exact philosophy for most of the second half of the past century. I'd hate to sound ignorant, but I'm going to lay most of the blame for our society's 'black holes' at the American door... America is not a liberator, she is the prison warden who makes sure everyone follows her rules...

Stalin may have been a prick, but post-tsarist russia was a helluva lot better once he came on the scene.


Please please PLEASE tell me you just used the abortion stats to highlight the death count in NZ.

I hate christmas. It's too commercial. But you already know that.

I dunno what to say... you raise alot of issues, and it's annoying because my head can't stay on twenty different thought train thingies like yours lol

I miss you chippies

fuegoHugh said...

good call live each moment for all that it is worth